Mid-Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

                  A.    ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS
1.      Write in brief the overview about yaour product!
Mysql, the open source database product, was created by mysql AB, a was company founded in 1995 in Sweden by Michael Widenius (monty), David Axmark and Allan Larsson.
Mysql launched the mysql network modeled after the redhad network. The mysql network is a subscription service targeted at and users that propides updates, alerts, notifications, and product-level support designed to make it easier for companies to manage hundreds of mysql servers.
Mysql editions is the world’s most popular open source database. Mysql in three pieces that is mysql standard edition, mysql enterprise edition, mysql cluster carrier grade edition. mysql standard edition enables you to deliver high performance and scalable online transaction processing applications. It provides the ease of use that has made mysql famous along with industrial strength performance and reliability, mysql standard edition enables includes innoDB, making it a fully integrated transaxction safe, ACID compliant database. In addition, mysql replication allows you to deliver high performance and scalable applications.
mysql enterprise edition enables you to deliver high performance, scalable online transaction processing database application. It is a fully integrated transaction safe, ACID compliant database. It includes full commit, rollback, crsh, recovery and row level locking capabilities.
mysql cluster carrier grade edition is the industry’s only real time transactional database combining 99.999% availability with the low total cost of ownership of open source. It features a “shared-nothing” distributed architecture with no single point of failure to assure high availability and performance, allowing you to meet your most demanding mission critical application requirements.

2.      What make yaour product is better that others?
Mysql enables you to deliver high-peformance and scalable online transaction processingnapplication it provides the ease of use that has made mysql famous along with industrial strength performance and reliability making it a fully integrated transaction-safe.

3.      Do you find other products that can be you competitor?if yes, wfat make your product different to other?
For in the moment there is no, because this far the mysql database  has become the world’s most popular open source database because of its high performance, high reliability and ease of use.

4.      Write in brief the special featute(s)mof your product?
The mysql database has became the world’s popular open source database because of its high performance, high reliability and ease of use.many of the world’s largest and fastest-growing organizations including facebook, google, adobe, alcatel lucent and zoppos rely on mysql to save time and money powering their hight-volume web sites, business-critical systems and packaged software. Mysql runs on more than 20 platforms including linux, windows, mac os, solaris, HP-UX, IBM AIZ\X, giving you the kind of flexibility.

1.      Do you find some mistake?
Do you find any mistake?
2.      I must to find the answer
I have to find the answer
3.      My neighbor was died
My neighbor was passed away
4.      I use a blue jacket
I am using a blue jacket
5.      I don’t ready to go
I am not ready to go
6.      We get a new shoes
We get new shoes

                C.     MOST CONFUSING ENGLISH
1.      I am bored                                     I am boring
-I am bored, it means that the subject (I) is not interesting
-im boring, it means that the subject (I) is feeling bore

2.      I am going to go to school                        I will go to school
- I am going to go to school, it uses in presen continous tense
- I am going to go to school, it uses in simple future tense

3.      I have a little food                                    I have little food
I have a little food,           it means the food is not much an can calculate                     
I have little food, it means the food is not much and can not to calculate

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